Latest — Feb 27, 2025 Google Summer of Code 2025 stdlib was accepted as a Google Summer of Code mentoring organization for 2025!
LAPACK in your web browser Adding initial LAPACK support to stdlib to enable high-performance linear algebra on the web.
Reflecting on GSoC 2024 We share key achievements, challenges, and tips for future success for both participating organizations and aspiring contributors.
The Accessor Protocol An introduction to the accessor protocol for generalized array-like object iteration, with application to exotic array types, sparse array computation, lazy materialization, and much more!
How to call Fortran routines from JavaScript with Node.js A tour de force introduction to authoring Node.js native add-ons which support calling Fortran routines from JavaScript and usher in a new era of high-performance computation for the web.
Community Survey If you're interested in all things web and number crunching, we'd love to hear from you!
GSoC Projects Announced We're thrilled to share that stdlib has been selected for Google Summer of Code, and we've been granted four slots this year! As a first-time GSoC organization, this is a significant milestone for us, and we couldn't be more grateful for this opportunity.